Official Journal of the European Union, Council conclusions on participatory governance of cultural heritage
The Council conclusions of 26 November 2012 on Cultural Governance that underlined the importance to make cultural governance more open, participatory, effective and coherent and invited Member States to promote a participatory approach to cultural policymaking
The Council conclusions of 21 May 2014 on cultural heritage as a strategic resource for a sustainable Europe that recognised that cultural heritage has a crosssectorial policy relevance and plays a specific role in achieving the Europe 2020 strategy goals for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, and called on Member States to promote longterm heritage policy models that are evidencebased and society and citizendriven.
The Council welcomes the Communication from the Commission ‘Towards an integrated approach to cultural heritage for Europe’ that recognised that cultural heritage is a shared resource and a common good and that therefore looking after heritage is a common responsibility.
- 1647 lecturas
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